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March 02, 2006

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Retro Movies and Theaters

Retro Movies and Theaters

Goethe-Institut Montreal: R.W. Fassbinder Retro 98
Brief biography of the German director and short essays on more than 30 of his films.
Midtown Drive-in Theatre
Restaurant and drive-in theatre in Harriman, that specializes in retro 50's & 60's nostalgia themes.
Parkway Drive-in Theatre
Drive-in theatre in Maryville with a retro 50's & 60's nostalgia theme.
Retro Junk: D.A.R.Y.L.
Review of the film, photographs, video clip, trailer, and reader comments.

Skary Guy Video
Offering strange, and esoteric retro films.
Kitsch Shop
Offers retro toys, lava lamps, TV and film themed merchandise, novelty gifts and costumes.

Posted by rri, March 2, 2006 10:31 PM